Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Angelic Universes & Akashic records I

I. Angelic universes 

        In first two parts I explained about the matrix and the general pattern of the universe; what is the exact number of universes, of galaxies and stars/ suns and planets; what are variations of appointed planetary souls on mindful planets. Here I`ll give information more on each giant matrix, that I called type Un-Alpha. The biggest one situated in the void. This matrix is covered by three spheres within each other, made of interlacing forms –Mandalas, and crystal grids that contain the actual programs of each universe. These outer spheres are moving in clock wise direction, opposite of the movement of the universe.

     Image: Nautilus shell
      Now I ll explain little more about angelic Universes. They are the eternal part of the mechanism, they don’t “end” and continue to exist, but are not constant. That means they expand in different ways. These angelic universes are also many types and are called “astral” levels also divided from 1 to 10 000, in spirals; These are angelic levels of Spiral; They have perspective of moving time-space Spiral in vertical form and the spiral continue endlessly – in all directions – up and down. These spirals have very strict appointed levels, structure and hierarchy; Some spirals are made of single spiral-treat, others are in form of human DNA – two spirals interlacing; others have form of 3 spirals interlacing. Whatever is the structure, spirals have qualities – to have potential for endless growing; to be eternal and to have very high frequencies, as they take from the core-sun in the center of the Spiral.

      These spheres are connected in special way, that doesn’t create division, in the same time have strict “borders” and have many other circles and spheres within. That is quite complicated structure. The spirals also have within repeated patterns of mandalas (or stars within a circle –which are angels stamps). They are organized in spheres (worlds, circles), within bigger spheres (circles) within bigger spheres; forming huge shape of stars and mandalas. These shapes are like: five pointed star (within circle) or five pointed flower mandala; six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen pointed stars or flower mandalas. The biggest number is 13. so they go in such way in different spiral; each of spiral levels is expanding (to 13 star –mandala shapes and spheres) and narrowing again to (five pointed stars –mandalas). Pattern is repeated several times; so it looks much like DNA structure. These star-shapes repeat several times 9 999 000 times one and form the giant spirals of worlds with exact shape, that is build continuously in the time space of all possible dimensions. That picture is truly hard to imagine. After one spiral level” with 13 star-mandalas is finished (repeated 9 999 000 times), then comes after it from both “sides” another spiral cycle with 12- stars, that repeats again 9 999 000 times and after it comes another spiral with 11-stars that repeats the same multiple patter of times until reaches to five- stars circle level that repeats also 9 999 000 times. (can you understand anything?) 

So it looks like giant swirling DNA structure.
These spirals have also different colors, (no matter of the Central sun of matrix-Alpha) all angelic “spirals” have different colors that all together are 13 main and resemble the Un-Alpha colors- but with highest possible vibration. Angelic spheres have vibration of the core 11 on third rate (degree). So there are several types of angelic spheres, and so many hierarchies that its hard to be counted. The basic types of “spheres” are:

-      astral (multiple ranks – assistants, workers for spheres, and so on; teachers, healers of astral light – which has certain color and certain spiral pattern) (astral level repeats also multiple times -  99 000’ 000 times and composes different astral Levels (spheres). That means these levels are 99 000’ 000
-      Ethereal angelic sphere also has many ranks and angelic tasks and is divided also in 99 000’ 000 levels (each level has spirals that are practically endless in time, as they are “build”)
-      Celestial angelic sphere –which is the highest sphere and it is divided into 900 other spheres and groups. Each of these 900 bigger celestial spheres is divided again into 99 000’ 000; The criteria or main essence of the 900 spheres are different colors and shades. So there are 900 shades and colors; connected with different spectrum of angelic hierarchy.

     Each angel is appointed exactly to specific sphere, within specific color and circle –one of the above. And each angel has specific mission. On this topic I`ll talk later more. The highest rank angels – or Archangels – have much more power than we can imagine. They live in the Celestial spheres (circles from 1 to 900 by colors) each of the archangels have specific colors and celestial light, that comes from divine source. So each of the archangel – as we see it –brings color –light from his special sphere. For example Arch. Michael – (creator of our human universe, that helps for our protection and expansion) is in the first sphere (but he can “roam” also in all other 900 spheres like his home. That’s so because the Archangels are on the top of hierarchy. Even so his “home” or angelic sphere will be in Celestial -1A – golden color; and arch. Raphael will be in Celestial sphere 5-A (A means the top of the spiral) – emerald green light. That’s how all 900 levels will be “covered” by rays and colors; and also as you assume there will be 99 000 arch-angels or Creators – that will spread all energy and “build” universes. That’s much bigger number than we know or imagine and we don’t know them all by names. 
short Quote: 
These spirals have very strict appointed levels, structure and hierarchy; Some spirals are made of single spiral-treat, others are in form of human DNA – two spirals interlacing

 nina Lea-nour *
angel` s medium 

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