Monday, August 14, 2017

Crystals energy -I

This article is dedicated to my passion for minerals and crystals, coming from the depth of earth. I wrote in other articles that crystals, together with trees, flowers, plants, herbs, fruits, aroma essences, grains, noble metals, glass, are part of the elements on earth. They have special mission to help us with our spiritual path and rising generally vibrations of our planet, as well as protecting us from the cosmic entities.
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First of all I want to underline, that the crystals have souls and aura field (just like trees, plants, and other). They are not “living” in the sense we assume living life should look like – they cant move, hear, talk. But they have the ability to keep inside their fine structure (crystal grid) information from the surrounding. They can be programmed, to maintain codes of big information, and send it back to the person. In such way they are amazing mediums of cosmic energy (similar qualities we observe in water). Its interesting, that crystals are related to water element by their structure, models of programming and ability for cleansing aura.
To make comparison with plants (not trees) – they have the quality to cleanse mostly the space and atmosphere from bad energies, but they cant keep information and cant be “registers” for human mind. That’s how the minerals, rocks, crystals are unique.

    Now crystals and minerals become a fashionable business worldwide, as they are well spread in every corner of the earth. Many people love to brag with huge stunning collections of stones and crystal clusters in their homes. Its really wonderful to have such beautiful pieces and transmitters of cosmic energy. But the most important is always the connection that you have with the stone (crystal), not the size, shape or anything else. This is what matters most. Crystals are special category creatures, that need constant care, love, devotion and energy work with them (the same as all living beings). Otherwise, they just wont have much function except to be a nice piece of home decoration. They wont help you really.
      Trade and fashion wear ~

    Sadly, for the so many lovers of crystal jewelry, beads, bracelets, necklaces, the last information I have from my angels is, the minerals with a whole through all structure (piercing all the crystal bead) – have very weak influence and little energy. Even rings, that are not made of noble material (gold, silver), are almost without energy properties. They actually do have good influence for us, working as “conscious talismans” , in the same way as any object, collecting our consciousness would work. They can protect us in low levels. This happens, because the crystals themselves are damaged (not the pieces, as they are already taken and deformed from earth core), but they have spoiled shape, which makes the hole inside to work as leakage of energy. That’s why better to have just one little whole stone in your bag or pocket, it will work better than bracelets from beads. This stone can be well programmed by you for “protection” for example.

     Crystals shape ~
It`s truth that the “real” crystals appearing in the natural way on the basis of rocks as crystal clusters growing, are one of the most effective and strong working minerals. But in the same time it’s a myth, that other crystals, who are separated from rocks, are with weaker energy. This is not truth. All crystals in shapes of pyramid, sphere, egg, obelisk, cube, triangle, have extremely high energy and good properties, exactly because of the shape. This shape activates even more the function and the energy field of the crystal.

    That’s why every shape has its mission (purpose) and there is not of much importance the fact, the crystals have been cut, polished, “deformed” on the outside. That has no relation with the stronger or weaker energy of the crystal. In the same way, the crystal clusters were also broken and “deformed” from the main rocks before they reach to the shop and offered to customers. They just look “better” for the eye.

   This is of course not the same as making crystal jewels that have holes, because in this case the geometric shape is broken, the energy cant be kept inside. That’s why the soft polished crystals in forms have really high vibrations. Specially the spheres and eggs can cleanse the aura and protect the energy of the space and human.

    More about crystals – we can fall in the ocean of information. Actually we behave with minerals and crystals like beautiful decorations for home, that can sometimes give us energy. The truth is, we don’t activate the full potential of one piece of crystal even with its programming. (which is not a single act, but process that should be renewed every 30 days). The crystals and minerals “memorize” and save in their structure, the energy of our home and our own aura field. In this way, if the person and his environment is very negative, crystals will take in, register and send back also this kind of bad vibrations. That’s why they obligatory should be cleansed – there are many ways to do that, mostly using sea salt, the light and energy of New moon, Full moon, the method of smudging. But even after all these procedures, crystals cant help us too much! This is because we just don’t know how to use well their energies. 

...I hope you enjoyed reading my article about crystals, feel free to share it or add your comment below! thank you. Continue to the next part ... 

 Nina Lea-nura * 
 Angel`s medium 
 © Copyrighted material 2019

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