Saturday, January 23, 2016

X Obligations - IV. Parents & Children

4. Obligation to your Parents and Children. 

Did you think once why I have exactly this parents and this family? And why I have exactly this children, not another? So here is the basic clue: some things is in your life and “karmic” lessons and predestined, that means your family (parents and children) are one of them. You can not choose your parents, its fact, as well as u cant choose your children, even their gender or look! So what does it mean? Here there is a higher force, that involves in the process. One of the very special mysteries and Sacraments in life is “birth” (and another is death). Not by chance these two sacraments hold many unanswered questions but also they give little keys to the truth! So we agreed (if you did) that your Parents and children are part of “karmic lesson”, or they are chosen for you specially. Do not forget now the following: Having you in the world and earth life means the karmic lesson is always for 2 sides! Its never only for you, so you give lesson for your Parents- which they need to study, and back they give you a lesson, which you should study. Here is no choice, no matter of the situation. The same is valid for your own children. Don’t think just you should teach them! They have an important lesson to teach you. There are so many and various cases on earth in this relation, that we ll need many volumes of books to describe all. And there is no need! You should remember only, that – if you have unhealthy (disrespectful, violent, based on hatred, hurting, humiliating, disqualifying, evil, putting down) relation with your parents (or one of them) that means something significant you should understand and realize about your karmic lesson (means past life unfinished duty). Now you pay for it, and payment has always a thorny way. 

The opposite is also valid: if you have unhealthy (painful, hard, violent, exhausting in energy, incommunicative, violent) relationship with your children, it means you have to pay for that – and that all is the same again repeated for your children (so the circle continue). There are many schemes about family relations, and who these people were in your previous lives, or they could be completely new, but always is one rule! They serve you to study and teach, In order to achieve higher level of Mind and understanding about yourself and your mission. As I put thinks so, we should think deeply : who then do not pay karmic lessons? (that is the answer and key to all here: everyone pay. There is no person, who is born here in flesh from human parents and don’t pay karmic lessons. This can be viewed in many ways, as a punishment”, or as an “choice for expansion”. But it exists, so you should be aware of it. The same obligations have force here with your family, never mind they can be not “brothers and sisters in Spirit”: namely 1. speak the truth (express your real self, don’t hide behind mask of expectations, love and respect yourself, speak out your feelings, communicate) 2. Help and assist them in what they need. (this is very important, but doesn’t mean u should be “humiliated” or treated in bad way, nor they should exploit you for any profit. Have and realize your self-worth in any possible situation, so speak when u like and when u dislike behavior (no matter of the opposite side or understanding) and calmly try to show why exactly you think so and how you feel. (really problem and burden will lie on them if they don’t accept or understand your views). Your obligation is to express. Hiding will bring you in the swamp of exhausting relations, of hatred and passiveness, the same as lies. 3. Share! Share in positive way with your family – children, imagine they are your soul mates –this could have (or could have not) an immense effect on them, and they ll see you in the real light and appreciate you. But here also the most important is –no matter of the opposite reaction –remember that also they are not given to be your “Brothers and sisters in Spirit” but to clean “karmic lessons”. So be good and kind, as possible, but avoid and dismiss without any doubt relations, which have evil root” for you. The easiest way for knowing that is one: realize how you feel after communication with this person! If you feel down, depressed or feel even :unclean with negative imprint, you do NOT have obligation to stay near to this person, no matter of your “blood” or social relation. Here is one rule, regardless of the what society things, you should always avoid people with such negative and highly emotionally disturbing imprint for you, as they will pull your spiritual path in opposite direction. (Have your protections, make your limits). Many things you can do more : study and ask about the past of your parents, usually if they are not yours “In Spirit” its possible their parents to be- means your grandparents or grand- grant…so there is a clue. Study your past and history, and you ll find something amazing.

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