Saturday, January 23, 2016

X Obligations :I. Nature

I`ll divide the whole text in 10 parts, as they have separate meaning, but they are all connected together. 
I want to start discussing one very important topic, which can be highly significant for the spiritual development of humanity. This is about understanding of Freedom (Free will) from one side and understanding of Destiny (Karma, Predestination) from another side. The main topic of my discussion –about 10 basic obligations is inseparably connected with the two. Moses once received on the mount Sinai 10 special and sacred commandments from God. While he came back, on the way he saw that his folk forgot about him and started worshiping a "Golden calf". In this story, as well as many more in the Bible, there is much symbolic. Most important is that Moses finally broke the commandments "out of anger", and later he again wrote the commandments on a new tables. But were these the same commandments? He realized that people are not ready to accept the Divine words and achieve wisdom. They were acting in primitive way, so they couldnt be ready. But if he broke the first commandments and what was on them now is just mystery and suggestions. Some things people are not mature enough to see, feel and understand. But in the threshold of New era of the Light and Consciousness, I think we deserve to know, feel and share the steps for receiving Enlightenment and Mindfulness. So I give my part to that stream with the 10 Obligation, which also can be called "Missions" of every human, who wants to go in higher ways. Here you are. 

First of all, lets start with what is Freedom? What is a Free will? People feel in the continuum of their life time, that they are free, because they can express and implement their Free will" by making choices. In one or another situation we are exposed to make different kind of choices (inner choices connected with our Self, external choices, connected with our relations with others, people with who we interact). Example of inner choice is to make Spiritual practices part of your every day life -like meditation, choosing to be vegetarian and to consume special kind of food, to react in good or conscious way in simple situations, to show act of kindness. All these are inner choices, that have their realization in outside world. Making these choices exactly and acting with them means what we call "expanding of our Mind and Consciousness". They make us improve, or on the contrary, if choices are bad - they make us sink down. In very simple words: all choices connected with the 10 obligations are good (that means connected with all higher self practices, help to others, love and compassion), and all opposite choices (not acting in these directions, manifestation of negative emotions like anger, hatred, harm and self-harm) are considered as bad choices. There is such "division" because of the simple fact Light and Darkness exist, Yin and Yang exist, even they are mixed together in different proportions. In this entry I want to explain about free will, so I wont go into details about Yin and Yang principle. Free will is an active and dynamic force, which expands your high Self and energy, as well as the whole universe. So the free will is like the wind. We have it and this is a very important thing to realize. We have the "power" and control over what to choose in life, we have the abilities to develop in better humans, to develop all around -from inside world and energy, to outside world and life on planet. We are free. But exactly because of that we are extremely responsible. Yes, we make choices every day, but these choices are connected with responsibilities. The freedom comes together always like "package" with obligations, duties, commitments. As it is so, do you realize the picture from above? The freedom we have is a big force for change of all world. But looked from above, from point of timeless universes, its "limited". This is normal to be so, as we are in a physical reality, which is totally limited in all directions, we are inside limited body, and all choices we make are above limited space like a giant chess board. We have choice to move figures in many directions, but there are rules, and we then have to pay the price of every choice we make. If we choose to be on one side or another, all that should have consequences in our life. Exactly the payment of price for any action (feeling and thought too) is linked directly to what we call "karma". This is not a fantasy, but real energy, which exists inside the law of Universe. 

What is karma? If the free will is always in motion and active, discovering new ways in life, karma from another side can be viewed as static, constant force, that is not subjected to change from our side. It`s absolutely logical for everyone to see that in very obvious facts. Ask the question: what we really cant change? .... We can say straight away, we cant change the fact that we are born as humans, on a particular date, hour and minute, we are born from exact parents, who have this and this name, we are born in a particular country, community, society, city and place, and in exact historical time from the evolution of the earth. So is that not enough to make us not exactly "free"? We cant choose basic things like where and when to be born, who is our family, our social status, our genetic structure (face, body), the situation of the stars and planets in this special moment. From this very simple things we can say more: all of the things we cant "change" and that are not subjected to any change by any force, are predestined and are called "karma". Karma has also its laws and ways to act, its like a "stamp" of the soul. From that facts we can conclude, or if we have special abilities we can know by intuition and vision, that karma is in: the place (country, region), the time (date, hour, stars), the family and social status where we are born. By outspreading that thoughts more, we can see -birth is great sacrament, and its directly connected with death (also a great sacrament). The moment our soul is implemented in our physical body, and moment when the soul says farewell to the body, are two very special moments for humanity. They are predestined by higher force, (and any thought of " happening by chance" is illusion). Moreover, the sacred moment of birth is connected with love (no matter of details around this birth), the birth is created by fusion of love in many levels. That means one: love as a feeling to another human being (love has multiple faces and not one color!), which includes love to your spiritual friends, to your family, to the child, to your beloved, to multiple people, feeling of compassion)and it is part of karma too! All events in life, connected with strong and obsessive love, with strong feelings, or hard to overcome, are also part of "karmic lesson". That means if you feel hardship in any field in life that is also "karma", but you are given a chance to improve it and clean it by your own free will and choices you make. I hope that will help you to understand the processes of universe and what lies behind. I`ll speak about karma in love separately, as its very big topic. 

Going to the point now is to answer the question: what we should do and how to achieve better "karma", or higher Consciousness here? I give you the clue with the following 10 Obligations (Missions) of every human being, if he wants to improve his life, mind, feelings and relations. This is answer to the basic question : what? The answer to "how" I`ll give in another topic called "10 elements". I want to point out only, that people, who are directly involved in activities, described as 10 obligations are already awaken or on the path of awakening, and should continue to improve. While people, who are not involved at all, or on the contrary, they stop these activities with force and violence, or participate in activities with negative sign, they are of course not on the path of light, and not aware. We can call them "ignorant" or "blind". And real blindness comes from darkness, not from light. (They also have choices)

   1. Obligation to the Nature, Preserving eco-systems and all life of the planet from all kinds – ocean, sea, river, mountain, forest, taking care and preserving all animals and creatures on earth. Making efforts for living in the eco-friendly way and not destructive for the environment, researching and growing plants, investigating more about trees and the earth element. In this time we don’t realize still so well the importance of preserving natural resources on our planet. And how these is crucial for our life and survival. But gradually, with the coming of Light people generation, all that will change. We have to think first of the nature and help in all possible way to keep it intact, clean and happy. As you`ll know, all living creatures – animals, fishes, insects, plants, trees and stones have soul, and we should be aware of that. By killing them, even in way of cruelty, by consuming animals and their body parts, we are in risk of strongly polluting our physical body and our ethereal body and Spirit. We not only don’t help these animals to grow and have population, but put in them chemicals and involve them into a horrific system of slaughter, which deprives them from right to have soul and personality. If you ever had a domestic animal –like cat or dog –or like cow, donkey, horse, you would be sure 100% and without a doubt that this animal has a soul, which is visible. He loves you and trust you (until you show your love and care to him), he is your friend, feels your emotions. The best way to feel the soul of any creatures is trough the eyes. Look inside the eyes of that lovely being, and say “this is not a soul” and will you not feel sadness if you kill now this animal friend with your hands? Eyes are a quality copy and reflection of universe. They have all elements of Existence of life, Soul and Spirit. So eyes are very important for every human. Then why do you deny souls for creatures, who have eyes and are not “humans”? 

     You can see also they feel, they scream from pain, they cry with tears. That feeling for creatures should be determined with proper feeling and education inside children since young. Nature needs help, but also it can destroy humanity on the other hand. Animals are so vulnerable as children and babies and they need only our support. Do not make the “stupid and pointless” comparison of human as “the biggest Predator and beast of all beings. If we have Spirit its impossible Predator to exist inside of us. We are not animals, nor fish, nor monkey, nor bulls, nor wolfs, nor pigs. (even some people are highly similar to these animals, without I want to offend the animals). Nature is our big home. Place we live together, not separated from religious views, we are part of the nature, its also inside of you. It’s the sky you see, the stars, the continents, the oceans, all living fishes, and creatures, forests, trees, plants, and flowers. I wrote many times about trees and plants. They are intelligent living being, they feel, listen and understand and have way of communication (as scientist are proving in new researches). Trees are also model of universe and showing us model of any kind of “growth”. They are most important for our life on the planet, and we wouldn’t exist without them. They are our lungs. Your obligation is : 

1. to help preserving all trees, forests and plants and implement violation of that to be punishable. Plant more trees, involve in causes for protecting land, make manifests. 
2. Plant your own garden and trees, in your home or balcony or around. 
3. Take care of any kind of vulnerable animal – at home or in another place. 
4. Make a eco-friendly home where things are very simple and you can live by supporting nature, without damaging its system and wholeness. (such kind of homes are not even reality and communities try to spread this kind of life with home-grown products and clean environment). 
5. Help the planet by drinking water from clean resources, reduce the general water consumption, as well as any other consumption. (by simply buying less stuff for home, clothes and endless items without meaning) 

Here is the principle: reduce –reuse –recycle. Try and work with the nature! Don’t go with the flow of tendency and society fashion, but grow your own believes and principles. We need a big change, which will come in hard way. Take care to help against pollution of environment (mountains, reducing landfills areas, pollution of the sea, ocean and rivers, care of dams and underground waters), Care and be involved in human and respectful treatment to all animals- reducing consumption and meat processing industry and slaughter houses, diminishing the exploration of animals of all kind- including horses, bulls for enjoyment” events and festivals. Reducing consumption of “fish” and stop eating meat products. In other words: make animals your friends, not enemies, make nature your friend and your sacred home – not an unclean and unhealthy dump site. The planet earth is the first level of awareness for your purpose and expansion, for being a better human. Be aware! 

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